Creative Writing with Dustin 101

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Perfect love

Perfect love encompasses all things. It shows mercy but meets justice. It extends to all but despises evil. It's kindness, respectfulness, it does not deceive. It sees the greatness in things rather than the downfall. It builds the spirit, mind and body. It drives us to do things beyond our reach. In the atonement sense it fills gaps we could never fill. Love shows us understanding for what some people go through. It allows compassion to grow and power over all evil. Love heals wounds that otherwise would last eternity. Perfect love is not boasting prideful or revengeful. It does not hold things against you. It is humble, pure and recognizes that everyone has faults. To help those in need. It is service to others with nothing in return. Perfect love is joy and happiness! Perfect love dwells within god, and if we dwell in love, then we dwell in god. True love is no longer true love in my eyes.... I call it perfect love.



  1. Hey, I like you, okay?
    Also, I like your definition of perfect love.
    That's all. Have a great day!

  2. You are a stud! I can't wait to read more!

  3. this is really good! You're an amazing writer! Keep it up! I think you'll have some good stuff to read :)

  4. i really reall really love this you are unreal! you are gonna have an amazing life! and your wife/ husband which ever you prefer.... hahaha is gonna worship your skillful writing!

  5. That is great I am wondering who are you!
