Creative Writing with Dustin 101

Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's just..... Me

Hey guys its me, Dustin. I am signing on for the first time, on my new blog!!! I am very excited to get started, and for you guys to get to know me! I am the oldest of six. I have one brother and four sisters. Very exciting I know.  Anyways I have many things that I would like you guys to know about me. Here are some of them....

-I love to shoot hoops with my friends
-I love to sing at the top of my lungs in the shower. (not sure if its good singing but none the less I love it!)
-I enjoy spending time with my family and playing with my puppy!
-I am very athletic and very competitive.

Anyways that is what you need to know about me for now.

Alright, along with those things about me, I also love to write. Meaning I am definitely stoked to start this blog. I took creative writing for a few reasons.

1. I felt like I would do well in a creative writing class. ( I feel very comfortable sharing my opinions through writing)
2. I felt like I am week in some areas of writing, such as vocabulary. I really hope to broaden my horizons when it comes to vocab.
3. I took a class with Mr. Nelson my sophomore year, and he was a good teacher. He taught me something that I will never forget. And that is to take risks. He helped me branch out and be more outgoing. So hopefully through all the goofiness and messing around he can teach me something new about myself again.

Anyways I got to go so that's all I have for now.
See ya later.



  1. Singing in the shower is the best!

    i also don't a very broad vocabulary; that's a good goal to get out of the class.

  2. well you sound like a freakin champion! way to go!
